SLA Agreement


  1. Terms and Definitions
  2. General Provisions
  3. Service Levels (SLA)
  4. Scope of Tasks
  5. Procedure for Submission and Handling of Support Requests
  6. Evaluation of Support Service Quality
  7. Additional Information

1. Terms and Definitions

1.1. Provider - Hosting provider QCKL Network Solutions IBC, offering a full range of hosting services and ancillary services.

1.2. Client - Direct user of Provider's services, an individual or legal entity with access to the Provider's service area (billing account). Client uses Provider's services based on the Agreement.

1.3. Third Parties - Individuals or legal entities not clients of the Provider.

1.4. Support Service - Functional unit (department) of the company consisting of support specialists and support service manager. Support service activities are regulated by this document at the SLA level.

1.5. Support Channels - Set of technical means used by clients and third parties for support:

  • Multichannel phone;
  • Internet Messaging (IM): website chat on Provider's site, Telegram;
  • Email;
  • Ticketing system (official support channel, available only to Provider's clients).

Ability to use support channels for different service levels (SLA) is determined by this regulation.

1.6. Technical Support - Complex of measures by support service aimed at ensuring proper technical maintenance for clients, functioning of services provided by the Provider under the Service Agreement, timely provision of information necessary for normal operation of such services.

1.7. Consultations - Measures by support service aimed at providing detailed information about services provided by the Provider to clients and third parties.

2. General Provisions

2.1. Support service provides technical support and consultations to clients, and provides consultations regarding Provider's services to third parties based on this regulation. Technical support addresses issues defined in this document according to established Service Level Agreements (SLA).

2.2. Before submitting a technical support request, clients are advised to review available information on the issue in the documentation and use search on Provider's support resources - FAQs, forums, and blogs. If the problem is similar to a situation described in the documentation or discussion forum but requires additional clarification, provide a link to the original document or discussion.

2.3. Issues outside technical support scope (not related to services provided by the Provider and their operation) should be addressed to relevant specialists responsible for those areas. Relevance of an issue to technical support scope is determined by the Provider's support service, based on SLA.

2.4. Hosting provider does not provide services in web design, website development, custom software development, and does not support issues related to these areas.

3. Service Levels (SLA)

3.1. All requests are classified into different Service Levels (SLA - Service Level Agreement). Service Levels differ in response time to requests (among other parameters) and depend on client's service category and/or problem category. Relevance of an issue to a specific Service Level (SLA) is determined by the Provider's support service.

3.2. Support service operation and request processing. Support service operates 24/7 without breaks, weekends, or holidays. Technical support requests are processed in the order received. Maximum response time is defined by the support level (SLA). Priority handling may occur for high-criticality issues requiring immediate intervention from technical engineers or system administrators. Issue criticality level is determined by support service. Support service cannot guarantee exact resolution time for client's technical issue, as various factors may affect resolution time, such as client's timely response to clarification questions, need for coordination with Provider's partners (in some cases), temporary absence of necessary technical resources, and so on. Response time is influenced by overall support service workload and may be shorter than specified in regulations. In some cases, issues may be resolved almost immediately upon receipt. Support service response to additional information cannot exceed maximum response time defined for specific technical support level. It is not necessary to contact support service for clarification on issue resolution time or create messages to clarify issue resolution time on forum or external resources, as this generally does not expedite issue resolution process but creates additional factors that may delay this process.

3.3. Support service provides following Service Levels (SLA):

3.3.1. Consultations on provided services. This level includes questions directly related to Provider's service specifics but not requiring technical actions from specialists. Consultation level includes: verification of client's selected service compliance and its requirements, reasoned assistance in selecting suitable service for third parties, detailed information provision on services. This service level is available to clients and third parties (only if third party plans to become Provider's client). Inquiries are accepted through all available channels and processed in order received. Maximum response time for service consultations is up to 30 minutes.

3.3.2. General consultations. This level includes consultations on issues indirectly related to Provider's services. Such consultations are permissible only for Provider's clients, after user identification as client. Provider reserves right to charge for such consultations within additional service framework. In some cases, denial may occur in general consultation provision. Response time for this service level is not regulated.

3.3.3. Technical support levels. Provider's technical support is divided into two levels:

  • Standard: basic technical support level provided to clients having one or more active orders for web hosting services on any tariff plan, except VIP tariff group virtual hosting;
  • Premium: advanced technical support level provided to clients having simultaneously 10 or more active orders for virtual hosting services, or 5 or more active orders for virtual dedicated servers, or 3 or more active orders for physical dedicated servers.

Detailed information on technical support levels is reflected in separate Service Level Agreements: "SLA-Standard" and "SLA-Premium".

4. Scope of Tasks

4.1. Tasks handled by Provider's support service:

  • Fixing issues with operational system services on virtual hosting servers when they arise: E-mail, MySQL, Apache, DNS, FTP, SSH, Cron.
  • Fixing issues with operational system services on virtualization servers (hypervisors) when they arise.
  • Providing information to clients regarding service settings correctness.
  • Ensuring stability of public service servers operation — virtual hosting and VPS/VDS, even at the cost of temporarily restricting service provision to individual clients not complying with project and service correspondence, or placing obviously problematic projects (e.g., subject to DDOS attacks).
  • Notifying clients about promotions, news, scheduled maintenance works through regular mailings.
  • Blocking user accounts without prior notice in case of Public Agreement violations and/or Ukrainian Legislation.

4.2. Tasks not handled by Provider's support service:

  • Performing operations that client can perform independently having access to control panels (billing panel, hosting or server control panel). In some cases, consultations on working with control panels within defined SLA are possible.
  • Providing support on third-party organization services, even if client uses these services concurrently with QCKL services.
  • Setting up software on client's computer, consultations on client's computer setup, training on working with computer and software.
  • Responding to unrelated questions lacking semantic load and not related to Provider's services. Using offensive language or insults towards company employees in requests can result in indefinite refusal not only in support but also in service provision.

5. Procedure for Submission and Handling of Support Requests

5.1. Request processing procedure:

  • Technical support is based on official requests via ticket system.
  • Requests via communication channels other than ticket system are not official and may only be used for consultations. More detailed information on support levels is provided in SLA section above.
  • Applications are processed in order received. Response time may depend on issue complexity and department workload. Responses to standard and frequently asked questions may be issued as links to Provider's support resources: "Questions and Answers" section, forum, blog or open documentation on the Internet.

5.2. Recommendations for contacting support service:

  • Before submitting a request, it is advisable to review available information on the issue on Provider's support resources: in "Questions and Answers" section, forum, and blog. If the question is similar to a situation described in support resources or open documentation on the Internet but requires additional clarification, provide a link to the original material.
  • Question should be as detailed as possible. When dealing with technical issues, use technical language and accurately describe issue manifestations.

6. Evaluation of Support Service Quality

QCKL hosting provider pays great attention to support service quality and ensures highest service level for all its clients, so we appreciate feedback on our work.

6.1. In-built service evaluation tools provided by the Provider:

  • Operator response evaluation module in web chat (for consultations).
  • Specialist response evaluation module in ticket system (for official requests).

6.2. External service evaluation tools:

  • Clients can send feedback on service directly to company management at email, as well as leave feedback on external resources with subsequent link transmission to Provider. Reviews are considered regarding official requests as well as consultation requests.

7. Additional Information

Additional information about support service regulations changes are immediately incorporated into this document. Information about changes is also published on Provider's official website: in News section.

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