Installing WebMin on Debian/Ubuntu

Installing Webmin on Debian/Ubuntu

Webmin is a powerful web-based interface for system administration on Unix systems. It simplifies managing system services, users, file systems, and more. Here’s how to install Webmin on Debian or Ubuntu.

Step 1: Add Webmin Repository

  1. Edit the Sources List

    Add the Webmin repository to your Debian/Ubuntu system’s sources list:

    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

    Add the following line to the end of the file:

    deb sarge contrib

    Save and close the file (in Nano, press Ctrl+O to save, then Enter; press Ctrl+X to exit).

  2. Install the GPG Key

    Download and add the GPG key to verify Webmin packages:

    wget sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc

Step 2: Update Package List and Install Webmin

  1. Update Package List and Install Webmin

    Update the list of available packages and install Webmin:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install webmin

    During installation, you may need to confirm adding the repository and installing Webmin packages. Press Y or Enter to continue.

  2. Configure the Firewall

    If you have a firewall enabled, open port 10000 for Webmin's web interface:

    sudo ufw allow 10000/tcp

    This assumes you are using UFW. If you use another firewall, open the corresponding port for Webmin.

Step 3: Access Webmin

  1. Open Webmin Interface

    Access Webmin by entering the following URL in your browser:


    Replace your_server_ip_or_domain with your server's IP address or domain name.

  2. Log in to Webmin

    Use your server administrator credentials (typically the root account) to log in to Webmin.

Step 4: Configure Webmin

  1. Add a Virtual Host

    • Navigate to the "Servers" section or "Apache and Nginx".
    • Select "Add Virtual Host" or a similar option.
    • Enter the domain name, website root directory, access settings, and other parameters.
  2. Manage Databases

    • Go to the database management section for MySQL or other types.
    • Create a new database or manage existing ones.
  3. Configure SSL Certificates

    • Go to the "SSL Certificates" section.
    • Upload or create a new SSL certificate for your domain.
  4. Monitor and Log

    • Navigate to the "System" section to monitor resources and view system logs.
    • Track server performance and resource usage.
  5. Manage Users

    • Create new users for managing websites or databases.
    • Set access rights according to your needs.

Webmin provides extensive features for managing servers and websites through an easy-to-use web interface, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and web developers.

  • vps, server
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