Migrating MySQL database using Sypex Dumper

Sypex Dumper is a handy tool for backing up and restoring MySQL databases. Here is a step-by-step guide to transferring a database using Sypex Dumper:

Step 1: Installing Sypex Dumper

  1. Download Sypex Dumper:

    • Go to the official Sypex Dumper website and download the latest version.
  2. Extract the Files:

    • Unzip the downloaded archive into a convenient directory on your local computer or server.
  3. Upload Files to the Server:

    • Use an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla) or your hosting control panel to upload the Sypex Dumper files to a folder on your server that can be accessed via a web browser.

Step 2: Backing Up the Database

  1. Open Sypex Dumper in a Browser:

    • In your browser's address bar, enter the URL where Sypex Dumper is accessible (e.g., http://yourdomain.com/sxd).
  2. Authorization:

    • Enter the username and password specified in the configuration file sxd.php.
  3. Create a Backup:

    • Select the database you want to back up and click the "Dump" button.
  4. Configure Backup Options:

    • Set the backup parameters (e.g., data compression, table structure, data, etc.).
  5. Start the Backup:

    • Click "Start" to begin the backup process. Once completed, you will receive a backup file of your database.

Step 3: Transferring the Backup to the New Server

  1. Download the Backup:

    • Download the created backup file to your local computer.
  2. Upload Sypex Dumper to the New Server:

    • Repeat the Sypex Dumper installation steps on the new server.
  3. Upload the Backup to the New Server:

    • Copy the backup file to the new server in a folder accessible via Sypex Dumper.

Step 4: Restoring the Database

  1. Open Sypex Dumper on the New Server:

    • Enter the URL for Sypex Dumper on the new server (e.g., http://newdomain.com/sxd).
  2. Authorization:

    • Enter the username and password to access Sypex Dumper.
  3. Select the File to Restore:

    • Go to the "Restore" tab, and select the backup file you uploaded to the new server.
  4. Configure Restore Options:

    • Set the restore parameters (e.g., create a new database, overwrite existing data, etc.).
  5. Start the Restore:

    • Click "Start" to begin the database restoration process. Once completed, your database will be successfully transferred to the new server.

By following these steps, you can easily transfer a MySQL database using Sypex Dumper.

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