
 Backup in Plesk

Backing up is a crucial part of server and website management, as it allows you to restore data...

 Changing the encoding in an .htaccess

The character encoding of a website influences how browsers interpret and display text content....

 Configuring DNS on Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a popular service that provides protection and performance improvements for...

 Connecting to hosting via FTP using FileZilla

FileZilla is a simple and convenient tool for managing files on your server. Here’s a...

 HTTP Errors: common causes and how to fix them

Error 403: ForbiddenDescription: The server understands the request but refuses to fulfill it....

 Here are 10 examples of using redirects in an .htaccess file

1. Redirect from One Page to Another Redirect a specific page to a new page: apache...

 Here are examples of how to use the mod_expires, mod_headers, and mod_deflate

Examples of Using mod_expires Caching Images for One Month: apache Копировать код...

 Migrating MySQL database using Sypex Dumper

Sypex Dumper is a handy tool for backing up and restoring MySQL databases. Here is a step-by-step...

 Migrating a website to Plesk

Migrating a website to Plesk may seem complex, but by following these step-by-step instructions,...

 Testing network speed on a VPS using Speedtest

To test the network speed on your VPS running Debian or AlmaLinux, you can use the speedtest-cli...

 What is a subdomain and how is it used?

A subdomain is a part of a domain name that is added before the main domain name. It is used to...

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