Connecting to hosting via FTP using FileZilla

FileZilla is a simple and convenient tool for managing files on your server. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up and using FileZilla to connect to an FTP server:

Step 1: Download and Install FileZilla

  1. Go to the download section on the management panel:
  2. Download the installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).
  3. Install FileZilla by following the on-screen instructions.

Step 2: Launch FileZilla and Connect to FTP

  1. Open FileZilla.

  2. At the top of the FileZilla window, you will see fields for quick connection:

    • Host: Enter the FTP server address (e.g.,
    • Username: Enter your FTP username.
    • Password: Enter your FTP password.
    • Port: Leave it blank or enter 21 (the default for FTP).
  3. Click the "Quickconnect" button.

Step 3: Manage Files

  1. Once connected, you will see two panels:

    • The left panel displays files and folders on your local computer.
    • The right panel displays files and folders on the server.
  2. To transfer files between your computer and the server, simply drag and drop files from one panel to the other.

Step 4: Save Connections (Optional)

For convenience, you can save the connection details in the "Site Manager":

  1. Click the "Site Manager" icon at the top of the window (or select "File" > "Site Manager").

  2. Click the "New Site" button and enter a name for the connection.

  3. Enter the connection details:

    • Host: FTP server address.
    • Port: Leave blank or enter 21.
    • Protocol: Choose "FTP - File Transfer Protocol".
    • Encryption: Select "Use explicit FTP over TLS if available" (use explicit FTP over TLS if available) or "Only use plain FTP (insecure)" depending on your security requirements.
    • Logon Type: Choose "Normal".
    • User: Enter your FTP username.
    • Password: Enter your FTP password.
  4. Click "OK" to save the connection.

Step 5: Disconnect from the FTP Server

  1. To end the session, click the "Disconnect" button at the top of the FileZilla window.
  2. Close the program if you do not plan to use FTP further at this time.

Useful Tips

  • View Hidden Files: Enable "View" > "Show hidden files" to see files starting with a dot (e.g., .htaccess).
  • Event Log: The bottom of the FileZilla window displays an event log where you can view all actions and possible errors.
  • Edit Files: You can edit files directly on the server by right-clicking on a file and selecting "View/Edit".

By following these steps, you can easily connect to your FTP server and manage files using FileZilla.

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