Backup in Plesk

Backing up is a crucial part of server and website management, as it allows you to restore data in case of loss. Plesk provides built-in tools for creating and managing backups.

Step 1: Access the Backup Manager

  1. Log in to Plesk:

    • Open your browser and navigate to the URL of your Plesk panel (e.g.,
    • Log in using your credentials.
  2. Go to "Tools & Settings":

    • On the Plesk control panel home page, go to the "Tools & Settings" section.
  3. Open the "Backup Manager":

    • In the "Tools & Resources" section, find and click on "Backup Manager."

Step 2: Create a Backup

  1. Create a New Backup:

    • In the Backup Manager, click the "Back Up" button.
  2. Configure Backup Settings:

    • Backup Scope: Choose what you want to back up— the entire server, a specific subscription, or a particular domain.
    • Storage: Select where you want to store the backup (local storage or an FTP repository).
    • Backup Options: Set additional options such as archive splitting, email notifications, etc.
  3. Start the Backup:

    • Click "OK" to start the backup process. This may take some time depending on the amount of data.

Step 3: Manage and Restore Backups

  1. View Available Backups:

    • In the Backup Manager, you will see a list of all created backups. Each backup will have a creation date and description.
  2. Restore Data:

    • To restore data from a backup, select the desired backup and click "Restore."
    • Choose which data you want to restore (the entire server, specific subscriptions, or domains).
    • Configure any additional restoration options if necessary.
    • Click "OK" to start the restoration process.

Step 4: Set Up Automatic Backups

  1. Create a Backup Schedule:

    • In the Backup Manager, click on "Scheduled Backup Settings."
  2. Configure Automatic Backup Settings:

    • Set the frequency for backups (daily, weekly, monthly).
    • Choose the time for the backup to run.
    • Configure backup storage parameters, such as the number of backups to keep and automatic deletion of old backups.
  3. Save Settings:

    • Click "OK" to save your settings. Backups will now be performed automatically according to the schedule you set.

Backing up in Plesk is a straightforward and effective way to protect your data. By following these steps, you can easily create backups, manage them, and restore data as needed. Regular backups are key to ensuring the security and stability of your website and server.

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the backup setup process, the QCKL support team is always ready to assist you. We strive to provide you with the best tools and solutions for successful server and website management.

  • хостинг, backups
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