Migrating a website to Plesk

Migrating a website to Plesk may seem complex, but by following these step-by-step instructions, you can accomplish it quickly and efficiently. This guide will outline the key steps for migrating your site to Plesk.

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Create a Backup of Your Current Site:

    • Before starting the migration, create a backup of all your site files and databases. This will help prevent data loss in case of any errors.
  2. Check System Requirements:

    • Ensure that your Plesk server meets the system requirements for your site. Verify PHP versions, database compatibility, and other necessary components.

Step 2: Prepare the Server Environment in Plesk

  1. Log in to Plesk:

    • Access the Plesk control panel using your credentials.
  2. Create a New Domain:

    • Go to the "Websites & Domains" section and click "Add Domain".
    • Enter the domain name you are migrating and set up the hosting parameters.
  3. Configure the Environment:

    • Ensure that all required PHP versions and modules are installed and activated. You can manage this under "PHP Settings" for your domain.

Step 3: Transfer Site Files

  1. Using FTP to Upload Files:

    • Connect to your old server via FTP and download all site files to your local computer.
    • Connect to your new server with Plesk via FTP and upload the files to the appropriate directory (e.g., httpdocs).
  2. Using Plesk File Manager:

    • In the Plesk control panel, go to the "Files" section.
    • Upload a zip archive of your site files and extract it to the desired directory.

Step 4: Migrate the Database

  1. Export the Database:

    • Use a database management tool, such as phpMyAdmin, on your old server to export the database to an SQL file.
  2. Import the Database into Plesk:

    • In the Plesk control panel, go to the "Databases" section.
    • Create a new database and user for it.
    • Open phpMyAdmin for the new database and import the SQL file you exported earlier.

Step 5: Configure Configuration Files

  1. Update Configuration Files:

    • Open your site's configuration files (e.g., wp-config.php for WordPress) and update the database connection parameters to match the new database on the Plesk server.
  2. Check Paths and URLs:

    • Ensure all paths and URLs in the configuration files and the database are updated to match the new server.

Step 6: Update DNS Settings

  1. Update DNS Records:
    • In your domain control panel, update the DNS records to point to the new Plesk server.
    • Ensure that your domain’s A records point to the IP address of your new server.

Step 7: Verify Website Functionality

  1. Check the Site:

    • Visit your website in a browser and verify that all pages load correctly and that site functionality is intact.
  2. Check for Errors:

    • Review the server logs for any errors and address them as needed. In Plesk, you can do this under the "Logs" section for your domain.

Migrating a site to Plesk involves several steps, including creating backups, transferring files and databases, updating configuration files, and setting up DNS. By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully migrate your site to Plesk and ensure its proper functioning.

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the migration process, the QCKL support team is always ready to assist. We are committed to providing you with the best tools and solutions for successful website management.

  • хостинг, plesk
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